Life is Moments


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Terri R Miller writes short stories, articles, and poetry. She has contributed to several anthologies and is currently working on her first novel. She lives with her husband, David. Together they have two children and three grandchildren.

After years of raising a family and building a career, my love of writing found a place again when the boys left home. The wrapper I pulled off a piece of Dove chocolate declared, “You are never too old, and it’s never too late”, a confirmation it was time, once again, to put pen to paper.

I’m continually amazed by the things God uses to speak to us. Often, it is the smallest moments in life that most profoundly convey the divine. Interactions with those around us, a bird’s song, a falling leaf, a child’s play. All stir long forgotten memories and deeply buried truths that come rushing to the surface bringing with them new perspectives that lead us into deeper revelation.

My hope is that you’ll be encouraged and inspired by the stories you read here.

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