Life is Moments


Stories about moments that connect us to God, each other, and ourselves.

A View from the Mountain

We got out of the car and took a seat on a large rock under a tree. Temperatures in recent days had soared to more than a hundred degrees, but up on the mountain, it was a comfortable eighty-five. As I stood looking out over the valley below us dotted with shadows from the occasional clouds overhead, I thought of all the other times I’d been there studying the exact same valley that FDR viewed on his escapes to the Knob.

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Words for a Birthday

I quickly grabbed a birthday card for my brother, Brent, on the way to our aunt’s funeral. She was my father’s sister, and her passing left him as the lone survivor of their immediate family. Feeling bad that Brent’s birthday was on the same day as this very sad occasion, I sought for something meaningful to write that would remove the somber note of the day.

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Big Enough

I’m not a brave person. Never have been. My mama tells a story of me as a young child of about four or five years old standing at the edge of Tomlinson’s pool looking into the water then backing away and proclaiming matter-of-factly that I wasn’t “big enough” yet to go in for a swim.

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I Cried Today - Memories of a Towheaded Baby

My fourteen-month-old grandson and I sat inside the front door watching cars go by. Each time one passed he would smile with excitement and say something unintelligible in his sweet baby language. I watched him, taking in the sound of his voice and the blueness of his eyes.  Then I noticed his hair and how curly it’s gotten recently, and I remembered my own towheaded baby whose cottony curls attracted everyone’s attention.

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A Family Reunion

We buried my Aunt Louise a few days ago. It was a cold sunny day, one of the few we’ve had in this new decade. I hadn’t seen much of her in recent years. When I did see her, I wasn’t sure whether she knew who I was or not.

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Found by the Light

There’s a spot on the bank of the pond in the backyard where the sun shines brightly for a short time in the early morning. It’s rays stretch low across the ground reaching over the water illuminating the ground beneath a pine tree. I find it fascinating that this place so low and obscure should be kissed by the sun before so many others that are out in the open and readily accessible.

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A New Day

My husband, David, recently said, “Life is moments.” This truth stuck a cord with me. I want to have more moments. Being an introvert, this requires me to be intentional in that endeavor. I must literally and figuratively kick myself out of bed to insure that I don’t miss the moments happening all around me.

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