Life is Moments


Stories about moments that connect us to God, each other, and ourselves.

New Year's Hesitation

At the close of each year, I stand on the threshold of the next and feel a certain sense of apprehension. If there’s one thing life has taught me, it’s that change is inevitable. The possibility that by the end of the coming year my life could be completely different than it is right now seems, well, frightening. Life as we know it often teeters on the fragile condition that everything remain the same. Any number of unexpected, devastating events could send it all topsy turvy.

If you know me, you know I’m not a pessimistic person by nature. It’s odd, even to me, that I experience this uncharacteristic disquiet. Yet, as I peered past the edge of 2021 trying to catch a glimpse into 2022, I found myself wondering, once again, what condition my world would be in at its conclusion. After 2020, I’m sure there’s no one who is a stranger to these musings.

As I pondered what life-changing events might occur, a surprisingly pleasant possibility came to me. What if the happenings that completely transformed my life in a year’s time were not tragic or unwanted, but fortunate and welcome? Isn’t the latter just as possible as the former?

And then I asked myself, why not anticipate the delightful rather than the cataclysmic? I thought of my new granddaughter who is expected to arrive in June. This one optimistic image changed the trajectory of my expectations. Change could, in fact, be welcomed and embraced.

From that bright thought grew a bounty of possibilities in the 365 days ahead. What if I finally finish the book I’ve been working on? Better yet, what if it gets published?

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
— Deuteronomy 31:8

Even if that doesn’t happen aren’t there still so many beautiful everyday moments to be lived? Gathering with friends and family. A trip to the ocean, or the mountains, or both. Laughter, hugs, and heart-to-heart conversations.

The truth is life can be hard. To go forward in hope takes courage. I cannot be certain of what lies ahead, but what I am certain of is that change is unavoidable. Some changes will be barely perceptible. Others life-altering. Whether good or bad, the important thing is I won’t face it alone. The God of heaven and earth has promised to be with me whatever comes.

With this assurance, I gather my courage and cross the threshold of 2022.