Life is Moments


Stories about moments that connect us to God, each other, and ourselves.

The Perfect Lamb

As Passover approaches, I find my thoughts turning more and more to Jesus, and his final days on the earth. The world was in chaos when he came on the scene. Rome’s oppression of the Jews had them looking in earnest for the long-awaited Messiah to come riding in and save the day. Surely, he would soon break the Roman yoke from their necks.

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I Do, Again

Four days after Christmas my niece, Mary, floated down a wooden staircase on a cloud of white lace and ruffles into a new life. I wondered, as I almost always do on these occasions, whether or not the new bride and groom could possibly know what they were getting themselves into.

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Love Has Come

As I sat there basking in the light that peered through the branches, I was filled with thankfulness for its warmth on my face and the way previously unseen spiderwebs that stretched across the lawn now sparkled like strings of diamonds.

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Terri R Miller Comments
Substance and Evidence

A tropical storm was on course to crash our annual family and friends vacation. It was roughly two days out, and already the sea was choppy and the winds brisk. After nightfall, we grabbed some flashlights and made our way to the pier just off the pool area located inside the gated community we would call home for the next few days.

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Terri R Miller Comments
The Secret of Being Content

Then right in the middle of spring bliss there’s a random day when the temperature reaches eighty-two, just warm enough that the air takes on a thicker, heavier feel. The slightest hint of moisture appears across the bridge of my nose causing my sunglasses to slip down while I’m working the flower beds. Suddenly, the elation I’d experienced the day before evaporates. Oh no. I’m not for summer.

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Adjusting My Focus

The preceding weeks had been hard. I was tired and discouraged. Viruses, quarantines, and riots had me feeling overwhelmed. I longed for something to lift the weight from my shoulders. Chores and bills and the general responsibility of catching up after a week of working a full-time job would have to wait. I wanted to lose myself in child’s play and not have to think about when the next toilet paper shortage would strike.

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